Europe had a tendency to make bold forays but then retreat from them.
Also, the company has made a bold foray in recent years into the marketing of other companies' frozen-novelty foods, from fruit pops to ice cream to yogurt.
It would hardly seem an accident that Dr. Swan would be the one to make such a bold foray to the frontiers of medicine.
And take pleasure only in the construction of plans and apparatus for this bold foray into the pockets of the public.
On their boldest forays, they crept into Regian encampments.
His presence had been missed when Lee made his bold foray into Pennsylvania a month later.
That hybrid gaming-entertainment unit represents Microsoft's boldest foray yet into the living room.
On their boldest forays, they crept into Regian encamp- ments.
The record also marks the boldest foray thus far into the heart of 19th-century Romanticism.
The show represents a bold foray into the relatively new world of corporate theater financing, and it comes with considerable risk.