Henry Head, where the Advance struck, is a bold headland, distant about half a mile from Cape Banks, which forms the northern entrance to Botany Bay.
But it was fair, and he also found the Yankee staggering past the first bold headland with all sail set.
Wicklow Head is a bold headland, easily recognized, but there is no danger if one holds a course well to the north of the Horse Shoe.
As it was a bold headland, with sharp cliffs, I'd no idea I could miss it.
It is a bold headland descending almost perpendicularly into the water.
The foothills had become mountains, bold headlands of weathered rock, whiskery with blue gum and evergreen.
Campbell Head is a bold headland on the western side of Oom Bay, Mawson Coast, Antarctica.
The chief landmarks along the coast were the great castle planted on the island's ragged edge, and the bold and rocky headland rising just beyond it.
The direction of the range shows that it must abut on the sea in bold headlands.
Next morning early she went through the French Pass--a narrow gateway of rock, between bold headlands--so narrow, in fact, that it seemed no wider than a street.