His speculations show his understanding of the need for bold hypotheses and theories.
But taking the bolder hypothesis, that they really were policemen, I find myself in a certain difficulty.
Those bold hypotheses will lead to novel, testable predictions, which do not follow from the original, falsified theory.
Even if the bold hypothesis turns out ot have been wrong, testing it generates new knowledge about what can and cannot be the case.
Popper's idea of the role of bold hypotheses in scientific progress has attracted three main kinds of criticisms.
The idea of a bold hypothesis is somewhat vague, because exactly "how bold is bold"?
Imre Lakatos argued, that scientists do not aim to test bold hypotheses mainly in order to falsify them.
In much, if not most, scientific work in the real world, scientists are not mooting bold hypotheses.
This paradox gained no more converts than the bolder hypothesis of Hardouin.
Though rigorous in interpreting evidence, Dr. Jannasch could also shape bold hypotheses.