One is reminded of those bold political posters with one muscular arm upraised.
Antiwar fliers and a box of bold black-and-white posters declaring "Don't Invade Iraq" were piled near the front door.
The walls hold black and white photographs of Paris and bold French posters, and a wood shelf is topped with a collection of antique seltzer bottles.
Her name was on the posters, big and bold.
Rodriguez is renowned for her bold posters against racism and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Mr. Wei wrote the boldest poster, a tract arguing for real democracy and criticizing Mr. Deng, who was then revered by the activists.
The boldest posters are those with the most aggressive images: a menacing-looking peasant brandishing a rifle with a snake coiled around it.
Yet Mr. McMullan's signature has, as always, been upstaged by the bold, theatrical 7-by-3 1/2-foot poster that bears his name.
Police inspector, Michel Leboeuf, intrigued and alarmed bold posters, decides to investigate.
Walls are covered with bold, exciting French posters, ponderous in dimension but light in spirit.