What was earlier a bold proposal, has now become a tricky one.
It is of course possible that all these proposals, timid or bold, will fall flat in Washington.
"If he had put forward a less bold proposal, I think it would have gone through quickly."
The question is whether it can reach out to the country and arouse the level of support his bold proposals will require.
It was a bold proposal, yet threaded through with truth.
Would he not share my view that this is the sort of bold proposal we want to see?
The division was over whether to answer challenges from Democrats with bold proposals or to keep on a steady economic course.
It was paralyzed by political bickering, as is the case with almost every bold proposal for change in this state.
I am especially excited about Bob's bold proposal because our final goal is even bolder.
We may never know, but he had the courage to make that bold proposal 50 years ago Wednesday.