This, incidentally, is almost the whole weakness of Nietzsche, whom some are representing as a bold and strong thinker.
Furthermore, Mill thought Spencer 'one of the most vigorous as well as boldest thinkers that English speculation has yet produced, full of the true scientific spirit'.
She has always been a bold thinker, I give her that.
The party torments many of the nation's bravest and boldest thinkers, sometimes locking them up in insane asylums or imprisoning them with criminals suffering from infectious diseases.
For more than eight years, Mr. Gorbachev has been the world's boldest, most original political thinker and tactician.
Glenn Gamboa of Newsday called it "ambitious" and commended Lloyd as "a bold thinker and a skillful singer".
But, Ladies and Gentlemen, why should not a bold thinker have guessed something that is afterwards confirmed by sober and painstaking detailed research?
Simply by uttering truisms, Mr. Pagan comes across as a bold and original thinker.
A deep love of learning and respect for our community forms bold, critical thinkers for life.
But older daughter Elisabeth is tough and smart, and younger son James is the boldest thinker.