Most voters would say that one of these boldfaced names is a baldfaced liar, though charitable souls would call it a misunderstanding.
"I read her column faithfully," he wrote, "believing all the little details and daydreaming about the miles of boldfaced names."
The boldfaced names in Suzy's column know this.
These and a few other boldfaced names were asked, too.
"What's cool is that there are the boldfaced names, but it's not a scene," said Ann Dexter-Jones, the boldfaced socialite, who received a call from one of Mr. Becker's partners.
Among the boldfaced names: Mila Kunis, Christina Aguilera, Vanessa Hudgens, Jessica Alba and Miley Cyrus.
Glossies like Vanity Fair lapped it up with odes to the It Girl, and gossip columns made boldfaced names out of Nicky and Paris Hilton.
Knowing the Kardashians - and we're, like, thisclose - there are surely more boldfaced names on the roster.
Round and round went the boldfaced names in a Lillehammer of their imaginations, circling like human dollar signs in a society fantasia on ice.
From there the boldfaced names fly by.