The last time he played a match, he gave a stirring performance in the French Open final, boldly pushing the envelope of his comfort zone.
Nevertheless, he pushed boldly on alone.
In other places the track disappeared completely, as the bluffs and the cliffs pushed boldly into the flood of the Nile.
This is a book entreating big-government liberals to push boldly for their programs, since they have demographics on their side.
Then, taking her courage in both hands, she boldly pushed the door and entered.
Henry boldly pushed past the policeman and walked to the bank of elevators with David and Hulan following close behind.
Should she push boldly into that cleft, hoping that the alien part of the bubble cloak would be unable to bear the heat?
He luffed hard - that is, he boldly pushed his bow into the wind - and Cayard followed.
He pushed boldly through the toadstool-growth and found his tribe all gathered together and trembling.
Hearing nothing, I took hold of the handle and boldly pushed the door open.