In a striking example of commercial glasnost, a Soviet state enterprise that made the planes that bombed Afghanistan has joined an American company to build the ultimate capitalist status symbol: a supersonic jet for business executives.
Indeed, from Diego Garcia US planes have since bombed Afghanistan and Iraq.
One reservist, Or Raveh, 22, who fought from an armored vehicle, pointed out that the United States bombed Afghanistan from the air and said that Israel could have used the same tactic.
"Maybe I disagree with them," he said, "but they have the right to fight back" after United States forces "bombed Sudan, then they bombed Afghanistan."
The fear of attack is coupled with the fear that the United States will bomb Afghanistan, where more than a million residents are near starvation and many depend on relatives abroad for help.
"Bruce relayed the message that we had bombed Afghanistan," said Joe-Max Moore, short-handing the geopolitics behind the action.
When we bombed Afghanistan, did that take away Al Qaeda?
The President then informs an aide, "It sound like he said I should bomb Afghanistan."
You bomb Afghanistan and complain about refugees.
Soon after the attacks, America bombed Afghanistan, the Northern Alliance moved in, and the Taliban scurried like rats into the caves.