Ten days later, Reagan bombed Libya, despite our dear ally France refusing the use of their airspace.
"Peacemaker isn't a device so we can bomb Libya?"
"Naturally we were worried that business might drop off when he bombed Libya."
Two weeks later, the United States bombed Libya in retaliation.
The second most-watched coverage was on April 14, 1986, when the United States bombed Libya.
"Today," said Ted Nash, "is the anniversary date of when we bombed Libya in nineteen eighty-six."
While the sentiment of the article is in line with my own, I would not say that "Britain and France bombed Libya".
The West is interfering as we speak and they will bomb Libya if they think that secures their alternative.
This occurred in 1986 when Spain refused to let American planes use its airspace when they bombed Libya.
Seven years after the Americans bombed Libya, a veteran peace campaigner has been arrested while protesting at the airbase used for the raid.