Between them, the Allied air forces claimed to be able to bomb around the clock.
Jets also bombed around Argun, the scene of heavy fighting over the last two days, and nearby Petropavlovskaya.
As they withdrew, the Italians sprayed and bombed the area around the lake with mustard gas to deadly effect.
French forces also bombed Islamist troops and their supply stores around Gao.
Some of the Ladder roads were also affected by attempts to bomb the railway around Hornsey station.
But that's the sort of iconic vehicle only the child-free can bomb around Italy in.
'Could we not simply bomb around them, sir?'
A few Israeli fighter-bombers reached their target and bombed the runway and the air defenses around the air base.
The forces allied with the government began to bomb the area around Afshar before troops began to move in around 4.00 am on February 11.
We bombed around the city, reveling in our freedom.