He was tripped up by his link to a victim and a consistent style of bomb design.
At that time, the details of small bomb designs were shrouded in secrecy.
But other weapons experts argue that computing power can make a difference in bomb design.
The yield was the largest ever achieved by similar bomb designs.
The information still being withheld includes old bomb designs and other documentation, he said.
U can thus be used easily in a simple gun-type nuclear bomb design.
This machine was able to solve a wide range of effective problems in the 1940s, many related to atomic bomb design.
As with most parts of bomb design, it was an advantage that cut both ways, but Fromm knew he had full control over the device.
It runs to 51 pages, 18 focusing on the development of Iraq's bomb design.
The reason(s) for the failure can be linked to improper bomb design, poor construction, or lack of expertise.