According to an Israeli military source, Hezbollah assists Hamas with bomb production.
The Energy Department has acknowledged in recent years that its system of bomb production, now halted, had major safety and environmental problems.
At that point, it is legally free to use the installations for bomb production.
Instead, the argument went, nations should band together to make multinational fuel banks where they could watch one another, making sure no fuel is diverted for bomb production.
"It signals pretty clearly that he's giving a recipe for bomb production," Dr. Hecker said.
Senators Sam Nunn and Richard Lugar would have presented a strong American position on his nuclear bomb production.
The United Nations, worried that the material could be used in clandestine bomb production, has been hunting for it, largely unsuccessfully, across the Middle East.
One of the plants would use a technology that has been employed for bomb production for 30 years, using heavy water.
Rise in Mortality Rate Seen Washington is facing a bill in excess of $100 billion for cleanup of pollution from its bomb production.
Or perhaps another Al Qaqaa explosion, the investigation of which cost the reporter Farzad Bazoft his life, will set back bomb production.