February 6, 2004 - A bomb ripped through a Moscow metro car during the morning rush hour, killing 40 people and wounding 134.
The soldiers at the parliament dived for cover as the violent concussion of bombs ripped through the city.
LEAD: A bomb ripped through parts of a leading department store in central Johannesburg today, causing a fire and extensive damage.
On Wednesday, the western capital of Xinjiang was under a high security alert after terrorist bombs ripped through three public buses, killing 5 people and wounding 60.
Two years ago, a bomb ripped through the top two floors in what authorities believe was part of a business dispute.
The sequenced bomb ripped through the internal channels of the worm, blasting open its gut and splitting its armored segments.
The ceasefire wouldn't last long, because exactly three years later, on August 31, 1999, a bomb ripped through a Moscow shopping mall, killing one and injuring forty.
The black and white film was taken by a shop security camera just 20 minutes before two bombs ripped through the town's packed shopping centre on March 20.
September 19 Five people were killed and over two dozen injured after a remote-controlled bomb ripped through a market selling CDs in Peshawar.
Two bombs ripped through separate cars of a commuter train today, killing at least 54 people and wounding more than 350.