Scare the public, close our eyes and let the bombs rip.
Today, Falmouth looks as though a tornado or a bomb had ripped through its houses, gasoline stations and restaurants.
A bomb ripped through parts of a leading department store in central Johannesburg today, causing a fire and extensive damage.
A 23-year-old student from Teaneck and her 25-year-old boyfriend were among 25 people killed yesterday when a bomb ripped through a packed city bus.
The attacks came four days after a bomb ripped apart a minibus carrying 15 women election workers, killing 2 and wounding 13.
A 500-pound bomb ripped into the side of the ship and exploded.
A bomb also ripped through a livestock market in Kirkuk, killing 6 people and wounding 26 others.
"When a bomb ripped through my clinic, I almost lost my life," she says.
A bomb in a rented van ripped a gaping hole through the garage's five levels on Feb. 26.
In Mosul, a bomb ripped into a military convoy, killing an American soldier.