The bomb tore a hole in the port side of the ship and his plane crashed onto the flight deck.
His 500-kilogram bomb tore through several light bulkheads before exploding on the starboard side of the ship in the scullery.
In seconds, another bomb tore through the roof.
Fifty years ago, the largest bomb ever used in warfare tore Hiroshima asunder.
An hour later, another bomb tore through the marketplace in this nearby town.
A powerful bomb tore through Colombo, the capital, on Tuesday, killing two people, including a 3-year-old child.
A bomb had torn two holes-two big holes-in the Straton's fuselage.
Some were literally in the middle of the street; bombs and shells had torn big holes in the asphalt.
The nuclear bomb had torn apart, overturned, flattened or melted the other 8.
Her father, face covered in regenerated skin, arm still charred from where the bomb had torn part of it off.