And this was one crucial reason the terrorists bombed the World Trade Center: to bring home to everyone the terrible menace of accelerating global inequality.
When they bombed the World Trade Center, did they rebuild that?
That led to Bojinka, and the first thoughts about using planes to bomb the World Trade Center.
New Yorkers and all Americans have reason to be satisfied with the successful prosecution of four men who bombed the World Trade Center a year ago.
Too bad they would never read about it, since their newspapers were too busy polishing the theory that Zionists bombed the World Trade Center.
Are you going to bomb the World Trade Center?
Take 1993, when radicals with Muslim backgrounds bombed the World Trade Center.
The prosecution now contends that the conspiracy to bomb the World Trade Center began as early as July 1, 1992.
Do you think I bombed the World Trade Center?
They bombed the World Trade Center on Feb. 26, 1993, killing six.