But at the last minute, he ran away from the bomb truck and survived.
After you jumped in the bomb truck, you asked whether Dominic was dead.
The bomb truck and a getaway vehicle followed shortly after.
They say he also told them where to find keys that fit a padlock on the bomb truck.
The plan was to use bomb trucks parked in the parking lot of the bottom of the North Tower.
The New Haven bomb truck was brought in.
Conversely, many fighter aircraft, such as the F-16, are often used as 'bomb trucks,' despite being designed for aerial combat.
I want them to have us as the go-to strike, and use the F-18s as bomb trucks directed by us.
The bomb truck yawed slightly as it plunged lower, then stabilized for final target overfly.
The bomb truck drove into the center of the elevator, knocking furniture aside, the rest of the men rushing in.