A police officer arrives, but when Nick shows him the bomb vest, he runs away.
An innocent Iraqi civilian man has had a bomb vest strapped to his chest.
The girl is forced to wear a bomb vest and sit in a van watched by Moti.
This was followed by a series of explosions, one of which was a suicide blast by his assistant setting off his bomb vest.
Police tried to stop press photographers from taking pictures of Omar in the 'bomb vest'.
Abdul Samat would be unharmed and free to run back to the men who had fitted his bomb vest.
Shabal is enraged, but he goes to the factory that Cristo specified where bomb vests are being assembled.
Cutler engages Hatch in a hand-to-hand fight while Kim tries to cut free from a bomb vest.
In the movie 30 Minutes or Less, the number used to dial the bomb vest is replaced by the number for moviefone.
He then drives the van into the building and brings the bomb vest within range so that Griffin cannot set it off, knowing it would kill himself too.