Circus - bomber attacks with fighter escorts in the day time.
April 16 - London comes under intense bomber attack, with nearly 900 tonnes (992 short tons) of high explosive dropped on the city.
By this time the Allied armies had successfully broken out of Normandy, and no further heavy bomber attacks were required.
This led to the area being targeted for a heavy bomber attack by the RAF.
In the late 1950s, the F-86D served as the main air defense weapon against Soviet bomber attacks.
On the 3rd, the weather protected the convoy from a bomber attack.
A bomber attack was considered and rejected.
Action continued in the Pacific, where the last notable torpedo bomber attack took place on April 7, 1945.
Germany began bomber attacks on the British mainland, and it was decided that radar research and development activities would be moved further inland.
The material damage by bomber attacks was slight, as Finland did not offer many valuable targets for strategic bombings.