Seriously damaged in two attacks by torpedo bombers, 'Liverpool' gained four battle honours for her service.
The bombers and fighters combined claim 12 German aircraft shot down, 13 probably shot down, and 10 damaged.
The bombers and fighters combined claim 11 German aircraft shot down, one probably shot down, and six damaged.
The bombers and fighters combined claim 12 German aircraft shot down and four damaged.
Although the bombers damaged six planes and several buildings, their mission wasn't fully successful, as the airport continued to operate until the end of the conflict.
In reality, the bombers only damaged five.
British bombers attacked the ship twice and damaged her badly.
Despite heavy opposition, the bombers successfully damaged or destroyed many of their targets, with two gun posts being silenced.
Takahashi's bombers damaged Lexington with two bomb hits and several near misses, causing fires which were contained by 12:33.
The bomber missed its intended target, the radio station, but damaged the church and the commandant's quarters.