Only 33 bombers landed without damage.
As the Soviet Union was still neutral in the Pacific War, when the bomber landed, all crewmen were immediately arrested and the aircraft confiscated.
Under this scenario, some heavy bombers took off from Italy, bombed German targets, and landed in England.
One bomber landed safely in the Soviet Union and its crew was interned for over a year.
The bombers and escorts all landed safely back at Football City airport.
A straight, narrow road was rebuilt full of curves so American bombers couldn't land on it.
On the return trip, these bombers landed for refueling on an airfield in Utti.
Staff Sergeant Smith's bomber reached England and landed at the first available airfield, where it broke in half as it touched down.
The bomber, being flown by a two-man crew, landed safely.
The bombers landed without any problems, after a forty-minute flight.