In execution, Canadian investment in air defense has decreased significantly with the decline of the intercontinental strategic bomber threat.
Some of this is due to improved technology but more is due to the decline of the bomber threat and reductions in Canadian military spending.
But Dowding, too, had his critics, who regarded his focus on air defence as an obsession that was futile against the bomber threat.
He was making a tour of all Fighter Command bases, lecturing on the German bomber threat.
In retrospect, the Soviet bomber threat was grossly exaggerated, but it cannot be denied that the presence of the F-86D interceptor was an important deterrent.
The mission of the Eleventh Air Force moved inexorably from statically defending Alaska against a bomber threat to committing its forces to worldwide deployment.
He hinted that he considered the Russian bomber threat, which the Arrow had been designed to answer, a declining factor.
The squadron maintained alert against the ever-present Soviet bomber threat.
The F-14 was designed to combat highly maneuverable aircraft as well as the Soviet cruise missile and bomber threats.
As defense systems against manned bomber threats were reduced, it was activated once again in 1974 to replace the 637th ADG.