The opponents see in the bond act a lack of fiscal discipline by the state.
A bond acts as an insurance policy, and the more regulations an industry must observe, the more likely it is to have requirements for bonds.
These atoms can all move relative to each other, but because the bonds between the atoms act like springs, the result is a vibration.
The budget also includes a promise from the Legislature to pass an environmental bond act that the Governor proposed last month.
Voters have already defeated environmental bond acts twice this decade in New York State.
New Yorkers, who have approved nine other environmental bond acts in this century alone, can honor their long tradition of stewardship by voting yes.
Mr. Cuomo, who has made the bond act a top priority, will keep pressing for it, a spokesman said.
The districts approved bond acts to help finance their projects.
Four environmental bond acts on the ballot in November aim to do that, and they deserve your support.
"In the past, the Legislature never met a bond act it didn't like," said a top official in the State Senate.