In 2006, a bond was passed to allow approximately $40,000,000 worth of construction on the three schools.
With the help of the high school student body, a bond was passed in the city for the new school.
In May 2009, a bond was passed for construction to begin on a new high school.
After the bonds were passed, and everything was finalized, work began in 1998.
The building did not have air conditioning until a bond was passed in 1997.
In 1958 another bond was passed that allowed the college to buy the site they were on, and start a building program.
As of September 27, 2005 a $10 million bond was passed by referendum for additional school construction.
On December 7, 2010, a bond was passed to build a new high school that will open in 2013.
A bond was passed in 1958 to increase the number of beds to 200.
In 1998, bond was passed by 81% to fund library improvements.