His bonds were shattered as if that had beea Nom*s intent.
But over the weekend, the neighborhood's special bond was shattered during an anniversary party the Wengerts and five other couples attended for the Aquinos just down Alexandria Lane from their home.
However, their bond is shattered when Dixie realizes that Tad is only interested in her to find out information for Brooke.
But over the weekend, the neighborhood's special bond was shattered.
Mr. Falk distilled the anguish of sectarian warfare to the most intimate terms by describing two men, friends since youth, whose bond is shattered by the bloody conflict: one is a Serb, the other a Croat married to a Muslim.
The bonds of this union had been shattered by the dictator Siyad Barre who had unleashed a campaign of violence bordering on genocide against somaliland civilians, At the time of its reestablishment, Somaliland's towns were destroyed; its infrastructure lay in tatters and much of population were living in refugee camps.