Checking With the State Ms. Tepper said New York has sued a number of health clubs that violated the bonding requirements.
Elsewhere, 32 states, including New Jersey and Connecticut, have bonding requirements.
Farmland and the dealers in the city agreed that any bonding requirement would add to the cost of doing business in New York (and might prompt them to buy from farmers in other states).
The Rainbows satisfied most of the safety requirements but, as an amorphous group with no leadership structure, were unable to comply with the bonding requirements.
"We have said that without a satisfactory answer to this bonding requirement by April 21, we would lower Altria ratings to speculative grade and that would also include the Kraft ratings."
This lack of control over loose gear remains a significant enough problem that bonding requirements are being considered as part of regulations being developed.
The facility is supported by a sheet metal shop, tooling department, Phosphoric Acid Anodizing line and a core cutting shop to support bonding requirements.
In a bulk material, all the bonding requirements (be they ionic, covalent, or metallic) of the constituent atoms of the material are filled by other atoms in the material.
In the United States, bonding requirements may be at local or state level.
"In case of loss, R. J. Reynolds's bonding requirements could potentially be of the same magnitude as for Philip Morris USA," Moody's said.