The last of the sun glinted from the white peak of Baldy where we had left the others hours ago still scrabbling around in the dust looking for more Indian bone beads.
A human burial, animal bones, bone beads, a marginella-shell bead, shell-tempered pottery and triangular arrow points have been recovered during excavations at the site.
Other finds include polished bone beads, tools, and grooved ware pottery.
Chert engraving tools were found along with engraved bone bead (necklace) possibly engraved with one of those stone tools.
Associated offerings included an earthenware bowl and a necklace consisting of four shell or bone beads.
Shin'sa'fen held a length of polished birch, hung with bone beads and three white feathers.
The bone beads clicked together until she stilled them with her hand.
The bone bead was found amongst the burnt bone fragments of one of the cremations.
Numerous stone tools including microliths, flint axes, bone beads, necklaces of animal teeth, boar-tusks, bone tutuli and other objects of bone.
Other finds included bone beads, shroud pins, and pieces of quartz which were found placed in the hands of many of the skeletons.