The dead were buried with grave goods - pottery, iron implements, bone combs, personal ornaments, although in later periods grave goods decrease.
Funerary gifts often include fibulae, belt buckles, bone combs, glass drinking vessels and other jewelry.
With long-handled scissors and a bone comb she worked expertly at the tangled mess, complimenting him on the absence of lice.
'You'll be going to join the Queen, I suppose,' remarked Sybil chattily, drawing the bone comb through Isabel's long hair.
Hm, it would be like carving a bone comb, but faster because I would not have to carve so deep.
A few art items made of bone were found, mostly broken to parts, such as the bone combs excavated near Teishebaini.
Grave goods often include pottery, bone combs, and iron tools, but almost never any weapons.
Grave goods often include pottery, bone combs, and iron tools, but hardly ever weapons.
Grave goods found next to the man include a sword, quiver with arrows, brooch, bone comb, and gaming pieces.
A little bone comb is bound to the lower broad end of the tortoiseshell.