I saw a man tossed head-high, and heard his bones crackle like kindling in the fire.
The Russian's arm collapsed, his hand hitting the deck, as Delaney smashed it again and again, feeling the bones crackle on the steel.
The leg grew until it was the proper length for a man's limb, and its twisted foot straightened, its bones crackling as they popped into place.
Tundrish clenched and unclenched his fists, causing the bones to crackle.
The bones of the tiny birds crackle horribly in the old lady's mouth but she remains the picture of elegant ease.
The dry bones crackled, the sound formed itself into words.
She struggled to a standing position and when she arched her body the bones in her spine crackled.
His bones crackled in transformation, leathery skin ripped and reshaped.
He twitched and growled, and his bones and muscles crackled as they changed shape.
The knuckles of the hand holding mine were white, and I could feel the small bones of my fingers crackle in his grip.