The bones rose out of the ice to form an ivory cage of protection.
Those dry bones will rise again and be covered with living, healthy flesh.
Despite the incessant appeals of her attendants, she still refused to let anyone help her aged bones rise.
The crumbled bones of a building rose up, tower some six stories, broken glass and exposed beams, cement like dead flesh.
The bare bones of the mountain above timberliu rose only a few hundred yards away, and before hii was a long talus slope.
We couldn't believe our bones rise again, even if Paul hadn't as good as told us they don't!
But the dust of stones shall be bones, dry bones rising for a journey from doubt into darkness.
Its feet still stand, its bones still rise, but its linking arms, its connections - they have gone.
The flesh and bones of words rose again to the salvation of their etymologies.
Originally, Kafka worked with women who had eating disorders, women so thin that the bones rose in ridges under their skin.