The bone shard he had braced against his shoulder slipped outward into the widening crack.
The bone shard only stuck a centimeter and a half through the skin, and it looked relatively clean, no splinters.
Not just because I didn't want to see, but to save my eyes from bone shards.
The resulting shower of bone shards pulverizes prey for the rest of the pack to feed upon.
Blood pulsed from the wound, swilling around bone shards to form a widening puddle on the deck.
She saw that the fire was built from bone shards, smashed and broken.
He was holding up a stick, tipped with a bone shard.
He settled for a handful of desiccated bone shards, which he dropped beside Eleana.
She collapsed on legs bleeding from bone shards, thrashing and screeching, unable to run or fight.
The top of the skull crunched under the impact and caved in, punching bone shards deep into the brain cavity.