Reith hurled the rock with all his strength; it struck full in the creature's bone-white face.
Mildred opened her eyes, staring straight into the teenager's shocked, bone-white face.
He was wearing an ornate helmet, like something out of a Conan movie, and beneath it, his eyes glowed red in a bone-white face.
The bone-white face of the Excellent showed no quiver of feeling.
The acid glow dimmed until everything was in shadow and the woman's bone-white face seemed the only source of light.
Her beauty was back, oddly eerie, in the bone-white face.
Nannie Prendergast was looking at him from huge eyes in a bone-white face.
His eyes looked huge in his bone-white face.
I looked into the bone-white face of my opponent, the white-grey eyes, the pallid skin and the elongated canines.
As they did so their bone-white faces changed, the skin blushing red.