If true, a very boneheaded move.
Leake apologized and called his mistake "a boneheaded move".
Bob Costas soon regarded the cancellation by HBO as being a "boneheaded" move.
It's mostly low-level stuff, no more boneheaded moves like they did last spring, locking down anyone who bucked them, Mage or not.
It would be hard to imagine a more politically boneheaded move.
I actually do know why-it's just that it's a really boneheaded move on Intel's part.
"I thought it was a boneheaded move," Ms. Brown said of the approval.
I've seen even more boneheaded moves by users, at least weekly.
How in the world does corporate America expect to regain investors' trust when it makes boneheaded moves like this?
Especially considering this is a purchase larger than their past acquisitions and that they are not known for making boneheaded moves lately.