As the big baby-boom generation grows out of the middle years that are marked by increased book buying, analysts say sales are likely to dip.
The Association of American Publishers is supporting the project as a way to encourage book buying.
Two of her books hit the Essence best-seller list, influential because most of the book buying is done by black women.
Not realistic in this case because blacks seem to be on an upward curve in book buying.
Women, who typically do most of a family's grocery shopping and book buying, easily made up 90 percent of the crowd.
For some companies, book buying comes in waves.
Together, their book buying was intimately connected with book giving and support for libraries and reading.
Most Icelandic books are published just before Christmas, when book buying skyrockets.
As it did for book buying and auctioning used toys, the Internet reduces the transaction costs of meeting romantic prospects.
The F.E.C. said yes to the book buying, no on the tour.