And the book chains boomed - a trend that is expected to continue, at least in the near future.
Borders will be the only book chain to sell the Reader at first.
The company was the largest independent book chain in the South Africa.
For one thing, the book chains are reducing the size of their orders.
The official coupled his remarks with criticism of the major book chains that have pulled the novel from their shelves.
The mass-market book chains are among his major customers.
He said that while the issues raised heightened "everyone's sense of impotence," there was much fury directed at the book chains.
Tim Waterstone made an unsuccessful attempt to buy back his ailing book chain four years ago.
Barnes & Noble, the nation's biggest book chain, accounts for about 20 percent of the country's book sales.
Thus, book chains added the candle beneath the smoke so that they weren't promoting smoking.