His first museum survey in America in almost 20 years will include more than 60 paintings, books and sculptures dating from 1969 to the present.
The oldest books, dating to the 17th century, sometimes carry irritating mold.
The library contains books dating from 16th to 19th centuries.
The 6,000-volume library has books dating from 1524.
I once found a large medical book dating back to 1895 in the back of an antique store.
It also holds probably the world's most comprehensive rose library, with books dating back to the early 1900s.
The first three sentences are found in many liturgical books dating from the 10th to the 18th century.
This is especially true for our libraries in Europe, which store books dating as far back as the 17th century.
Materials within the library system include books and maps dating back to the 16th and 17th centuries.
Tsumego problems have been found in Chinese books dating back to around the 13th century.