The book purports to be a new revelation from God.
The book purports to be the "true" history of our planet.
Now comes a timely book purporting to tell us how it happened.
Over the last four years I have read at least a half-dozen books purporting to move the debate forward.
Both books purport to be manuals for business in the Internet age.
If so, that's a terrible strategy for the author of a book purporting to be nonfiction.
While this book does not purport to be a scientific study, subsequent research has validated many of her findings.
This seems a fatal flaw for a book purporting to offer us nothing less than "the meaning of opera."
The book purports to be, and is, "the most comprehensive collection" of Pound's poetry ever assembled.
Yet these are rather special than general symbols, and this book purports to treat only of the grand principles of working.