The Blackstone Rangers is a book-length investigative report on the Black P. Stone Rangers.
They receive meticulous, book-length proprietary reports that compare an auto maker's factories, models and even vehicle subsystems, like brakes or transmissions, with its rivals.
Professor Allison heads a team from Harvard's Center for Science and International Affairs that produced a book-length report called "Avoiding Nuclear Anarchy."
Charles Lewis, 44, Alexandria, Va., founder and executive director of the Center for Public Integrity, a nonprofit organization that produces book-length reports on issues like health-care lobbying, $275,000.
The resulting book-length report, The Globalization of Management Education, urged educational leaders to rise to the challenges of globalization.
To be sure, its one-page statement was far shorter and less detailed than the institute's book-length report, but its conclusions were essentially the same.
Jim Agee and Darryll Johnson published a book-length report on managing ecosystems in 1988 explaining the theoretical framework management.
"The Origins of the National Security Agency, 1940-1952" - Newly declassified book-length report provided by The Memory Hole.
Holdren is the author of over 200 articles and papers, and he has co-authored and co-edited some 20 books and book-length reports, including:
And a new book-length report on Sudan from the International Crisis Group concludes, "A small window for peace has opened."