Bookminders is an American company providing outsourced accounting and bookkeeping services for small businesses and nonprofit organizations, and is an innovator in utilizing a home-based professional workforce.
-or should be, Duke, simply a public bookkeeping service and credit system in which the medium of exchange is stable.
He said she had agreed to the arrangement to compensate Ms. McDougal for additional bookkeeping services.
Ms. Mehta, who had studied accounting in India, managed to barter bookkeeping services with the owner of a small travel agency in Rye who, in exchange, taught her the business.
Mellon's trust operation, a leading provider of bookkeeping services for corporate pension funds, could also be sold.
The company provided bookkeeping services to the University of Arkansas Fayetteville chapter of the Phi Delta Theta Fraternity (PDT) from 1998 until August 2008.
Their accountants' fees, including bookkeeping services, were £1,000 a month, payable by banker's order.
Under legislation passed in the wake of corporate scandals, auditors have been barred from providing information technology, legal, internal audit or bookkeeping services to the companies that they audit.
The business offered insurance, bookkeeping service, tax preparation service, and business consulting.
UHAB also provides cost-saving programs for housing cooperatives such as fire and liability insurance, fuel purchases and bookkeeping services.