During the boom days the tax was a real money raiser for the state, with peak revenues of $792 million in the 1987 fiscal year.
Several rock and mineral shops have been around since the mining boom days.
Within a week of the opening, curiosity had been satisfied, and it was a boom day when five customers stopped in.
The boom days are not coming back, but neither is a new recession on the horizon.
If they had, they wouldn't have run a deficit in the boom days.
Even without white flight, Detroit still would have declined from its boom days.
"During the boom days in the oil patch, we, like many others, had a much larger staff."
In some cases, companies are simply enforcing rules that no one much followed in the boom days.
Some mark the decline from the boom days of the 1990's themselves, when the economy grew by 43 percent but the government ignored economic fundamentals.
This means that competition for houses close to the city's day schools is as hot as it was in the boom days.