The main instruments aboard the satellite, which weighs 4,640 pounds, are housed in a seven-foot-square cube from which two long booms extend.
The jib-boom is - as the name suggests - the boom for the jib, extending its foot.
But the Belgian boom extends well beyond this downtown enclave.
Within a day, they find that an experimental boom has not extended as ordered and that the satellite is focusing on it, thus not spinning correctly.
Ormack looked anxiously at the huge KC-10 looming before them, its boom extended, waiting.
The boom, the horizontal spar that holds the bottom of the sail, stands by itself rather than extending from the mast.
However, the economic boom did not extend to the nearby village down in the valley.
Just yards from the water, a boom extended from an International Harvester truck chassis.
The boom extended to its limit.
Twin booms extend aft of the wings to the vertical stabilizers, with the rear engine between them.