Raseri said, his voice booming loudly in the enclosed space.
His voice boomed loudly, but echoes made it hard for Regapisk to understand what he was saying.
The thunder boomed loudly as if it were a vast boulder rolling down a mountain.
Then came Prince Ludwig's last words booming loudly through the paneled door, and the man smiled.
A rumble of thunder boomed loudly as he finished speaking, underscoring the truth to his words.
The wall beside the stairs boomed loudly, like a great drum, as though struck repeatedly by some huge immaterial force.
He stepped back and swung the gun, and a single shot cracked out, booming loudly in the confined space.
From the speaker a friendly, informal, familiar voice boomed out loudly, "Hi there, all you night people down below.
His voice boomed out loudly, carrying to all parts of the chamber.