Just as his fingers touched the tangle of tails a large, shiny black boot trod heavily on it.
His boots trod in the fire and scattered the ashes so that he became wreathed in smoke.
Bayonets stabbed, men screamed and cursed and died, and mud-caked boots trod them into the mire.
Forced his attention back to the street where his boots trod, his eyes caught the liquid dance of water.
The smell of tobacco smoke was sharp in the air, and crushed wild thyme where their boots trod on it.
My boots trod upon a plush off-white carpet.
Here, no workmen's boots had trod.
They were feared far beyond the lands where their boots had trod and their drums had beaten their battle signals.
But his boots had already trod on that pawmark, and he knew that he was going to follow that very ancient road.
Heavy boots trod on the trapdoor itself and then scuffed across stone.