Therese Solimeno, marketing communications manager for Xtree, said the company believed there were three million bootlegged copies in circulation.
In the Gospel of Mark, the disciple John complains that nondisciples are selling bootlegged copies of Jesus' miraculous powers.
However, MGM did not prevail in this latter action, and the film is unavailable even to this day save for some bootlegged copies.
As part of an undisclosed settlement in that case, the Liberty Lobby agreed to send all of its bootlegged copies of the book to Mr. Lewin.
Only after a scholarly insurrection, which employed bootlegged copies of some texts and an archive of scroll photographs, was the so-called monopoly broken.
The band's official website has also encouraged soldiers posted in the Middle East to pass around bootlegged copies of albums.
"Regional demand was so high," writes music critic Jeff Weiss, "that Serch claimed he discovered a garage with 60,000 bootlegged copies."
The CD-ROMs are tarted up to look like bootlegged copies of Verdi's Requiem, music and all.
"We've had stores calling us and asking what they should do with their bootlegged copies," Mr. Culberg said.
But selling bootlegged copies of movies sure is!