Government officials, however, say the Border Patrol is making giant strides in the border battle.
During these years, Northern Wei and Liang continued to have relatively minor border battles, with each side having gains and losses.
The Yugoslav Army also said today that two Albanians were captured and a considerable amount of weapons were seized during border battles with the insurgents.
This includes the brutal border battles of 1967, and the Tet Offensive in 1968.
Neither her uncle nor that demon Deslucido would be content with one border battle, no matter how dire.
Many rivalries follow closely behind the border battle between Wisconsin and Minnesota.
The Exchequer fears that it will be the biggest loser in the border battle.
It took part in the border battle, defending Krotoszyn on 1 September 1939.
But a full-fledged border battle over garbage is not about to erupt.
The border battles fought that fall and winter had indeed cost the North Vietnamese dearly, but they had achieved their objective.