Each of these is bordered dorsally by a series of dots (that are sometimes interconnected) and a distinct brown medial line.
Each lichen is a flat patch bordered by a black line of spores.
Each segment was bordered by a solid line.
The hind wings are golden with a black edge bordered basally by a thin green line.
The latter is bordered by a blackish line interrupted in the middle and always isolated from the outer field.
The lower hindneck and sides of breast are bordered by a black line.
There is a cinnamon brown costal triangular spot, bordered outwardly above the fissure by a broad white line.
The first abdominal segment forms a pale whitish band, bordered proximally by a black line.
This species gets its name from a thin, white line bordered above by a narrow black line that runs along the upper lip.
The thorax has a large green median dorsal patch that extends onto the head and is laterally bordered by a brown line.