But his playlists aside, Alison's suspicion was mainly borne of the unsolicited pronouncements he tended to make, as though in defence of his selections.
However, it was decided programme costs are to be borne mainly from cash-flow.
The Soviet Union was never asked to contribute to its cost, which is borne mainly by the nations that contribute troops - Britain, Canada, Austria and Denmark.
The current annual cost - 704.5 million rupees, or approximately $41.4 million - is being borne mainly by the Rajasthan state government.
Battle scars, mostly honorable, and the wear and tear, fair or otherwise, are borne mainly by the dogs' faithful human companions.
Male flowers are yellow and are borne mainly on 1- or 2-year-old branchlets.
The name was originally a masculine name, however today it is mainly borne by females and in consequence Kelly is considered a unisex name.
In exchange it will receive two modern light-water nuclear reactors, at an estimated cost of $4 billion that will be borne mainly by South Korea and Japan.
His silence was borne mainly of frustration.
It is clear that the cost of these investments will be borne mainly by the countries involved, a particularly painful burden for the national budgets, which are already under severe pressure.