As HDLs and programming languages borrow concepts and features from each other, the boundary between them is becoming less distinct.
The design borrowed features from the FAL such as the gas system and folding stock.
Common Lisp also borrowed certain features from Scheme such as lexical scoping and lexical closures.
Though the Coda's design borrows such features as arched window lintels from its century-old neighbors, its penthouse floors are contemporary.
The interface has often been called roguelike in that it borrowed features of game-play from a game called Rogue.
Yet they form a consensus, a set of variations on a unified theme.53 Each borrows features from past perspectives that have withstood the test of time and integrates them with current evidence.
The Perl languages borrow features from other programming languages including C, shell scripting (sh), AWK, and sed.
The new Excel also borrows popular features from other spreadsheets and utility programs.
Language convergence is a type of Language contact-induced change whereby languages with many bilingual speakers mutually borrow morphological and syntactic features, making their typology more similar.
While the Hoysalas introduced innovative features into their architecture, they also borrowed features from the earlier great builders of Karnata like the Kadambas, Western Chalukyas.