When short-sellers bet that the price of a stock will fall, they borrow shares and then sell them.
A short position is created when a trader borrows shares and sells them later.
Want to bet against them, by borrowing shares to sell short?
Those investors, betting the share price will fall, borrow shares and sell them into the market.
Recently, record numbers of stock traders borrowed shares waiting for share prices to fall or at least continue their stagnation.
A short position is created when an investor borrows shares and then sells them.
Short sellers borrow shares and sell them, hoping to profit if the price falls.
To sell a stock short, a trader must arrange to borrow shares from someone who owns them.
When an investor expects share prices to tumble, he can borrow shares and sell them on the market.
To sell a stock short, an investor is supposed to borrow shares from another holder before selling them.